What do you get when to take two popular franchises and slam them together? If it has Abbey Chase from Danger Girl, and Ash from Army of Darkness in it, the answer is awesome.

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This episode: A break in the action this week so we can talk about role playing monsters, new manuals from Wizards of the Coast and more.

In this issue: Is the current marketing trend in movies turning you off? What's with directors casting the same actors in all their films? And what did you lose that you can't stop looking for?

Dinosaurs, Rockets, Mad Scientists, and wily kids. What more could you ask for?

The Major Spoilers Crew complain about modern technology, among other things.

What do you get when to take two popular franchises and slam them together? If it has Abbey Chase from Danger Girl, and Ash from Army of Darkness in it, the answer is awesome.
This book arrives in stores on April 27, 2011. Consider this your Spoiler Warning.
Writer: Andy Hartnell
Artist: Chris Bolson
Colorist: Adriano Lucas
Letterer: Marshall Dillon
Covers: J. Scott Campbell, Paul Renaud, Nick Bradshaw
Editor: Joseph Rybandt
Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment
Cover Price: $3.99
Previously… Five friends traveled to a cabin in the woods, where they unleashed flesh-eating monsters that not only thrilled those who saw the movie the first time, but also in the two sequels, and several limited comic book mini-series. Meanwhile, in another universe, a group of busty secret-agents do busty secret-agent things. I don’t remember much about the story, mostly due to the busty secret-agents.
OPENING ACTAbbey Chase has made a lot of enemies over the years, and when finally cornered, she makes a deal to save the brother of the president of some third world country in exchange for her freedom. Little does she know that the brother was taken because he had in his possession the Necronomicon – the book of the dead, the book that will cause the dead to walk and eat our brains. It’s a rescue mission gone wrong, and it isn’t until Abbey informs the rest of her team that the direness sets in. They need to find the book, and the only clue they have is a man they’ve never seen before…
If you are wondering if Ash actually appears in this issue, he technically does – on the cover, and on the very last page. For those expecting to see the NOTBRUCECAMPBELLWEPROMISE likeness of Ash jumping in to save Abbey, you’re going to have to wait until the next time, as this issue is pure setup. And it is a setup that works really well. Though the story is told through Abbey’s thoughts, it is go from page one; a non-stop firefight involving rebels, turncoats, and Abbey and her guns. Yes, I am disappointed that Ash didn’t get any real page time this issue, but this opening chapter is solid. All the right plot elements are there, and the hook gets in you so deep, you’ll want to read the next issue just to see what kind of exchange Abbey and Ash are going to have.
IT’S NOT J. SCOTT CAMPBELLProbably the biggest adjustment readers are going to have to make is the art is not by Danger Girl creator J. Scott Campbell. While Chris Bolson does an excellent job, there’s that moment of disappointment when you realize the only Campbell Chase you’re going to see is on the cover. On the first read, Bolson’s art hold up very well, and the action that plays out on the page draws your attention away from the occasional oddly drawn face. Close inspection will show flaws here and there, but over all the layouts and composition work well.
BOTTOM LINE: PICK IT UPIf you like campy action that takes you back to the late ‘90s, Danger Girl and The Army of Darkness has you covered. Lot’s of explosions, plenty of Abbey Chase action, and a believable story that brings the two franchises together. It’s nice to see Danger Girl in a new original story, and once Ash gets in on the action, I’m sure this series is going to be one wild ride that may just surpass Marvel Zombies vs. The Army of Darkness. Danger Girl and The Army of Darkness is worth picking up and earns 4 out of 5 Stars.

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