Been pretty busy today with some other things that need to take priority, but I did manage to see the new Wonder Woman costume worn by Adrianne Palicki on the set of the Wonder Woman television series.
Most of the problems people had with the original costume have been tweaked, refined, or fixed.
Boots – no more high heelsPants – no longer shinyBoots – RED!What do you think now?
via Topless Robot
This entry was posted in DC, Television, Wonder Woman and tagged adrianne palicki, costume, dc comics, NBC, warner bros. television, Wonder Woman. Bookmark the permalink.← SNEAK PEEK: Enforcers #212 Responses toI was among those who didn’t completely hate on the orignal uniform design and do support Ms. Palicki as WW. It just needed some adjusments as it did look more like a Halloweeen Party costume or some fan-designed cosplay project.
Pants- The darker navy blue pants really make the difference.
I still would have had white stars on the pants, regardless of the sky blue or navy blue colors.
Red Stars- I’d have only gone with the single star on the Tiara. All those red stars kinda make her look like a Pinko Commie sympathizer. But it looks lke they are going with the red and gold tiara theme overall.
Boots – Changing it to red was a nice classic touch. I actually wouldn’t have porblem if it was matching blue boots. It also looks like they went with a lower profiled heel…awesome! Makes more pratcial sense.
Ms. Palicki looks great in action. Wow she is really a tall Amazonian Warrior!
ReplyI just don’t find the costume or the actress to be all that interesting. It will have to come down to great writing. As it always does.
ReplyNow that the boots are red… they’re shiny. :) Just kidding, I’m sure it will look fine in action on the screen. I have the same problem when looking at screenshots of videogames… stills of things that are supposed to be in motion just don’t look as good as they do when they are actually in motion.
ReplyI like the changes that they made but I am still not sold on the headband, it still looks funny. I am looking foward to the show and hope they do a good job.
ReplyMUCH better. Metal still looks a little plasticky, but probably won’t, in motion. MUCH more willing to give this one a try. Though I still prefer the greecian-armor-esque costume someone linked to on the other article. So it’s still a little silly, but in a still photo, who DOESN’T look sill yin a Wonder Woman costume?
Replygold parts still look like plastic and the pants are baggy in the crotch.
just sayin.
ReplyMuch better, not great but definetely better then the previous one.
ReplyI like it. The darker pants give it a more classy, almost Golden Age feel. Nice to see the lasso in play too.
ReplyBaggy in the crotch? What were you hoping for Kevin, camel toe?
ReplyLOL, well that’s the problem with real clothes they are not actually painted on your body.
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