Major Spoilers is here to entertain you – to inform you, to offer up a bit of ephemera to make your crazy day a lot less insane. On days when your hosts feel overwhelmed, or frustrated, it is always nice when Spoilerites like J.J. Valentine send us something that makes us smile…
So, Spoilerites, what about Major Spoilers makes you smile?
via J.J. Valentine
This entry was posted in From the Editor and tagged Major Spoilers, spoilerites. Bookmark the permalink.← Shannon Wheeler signs three book deal with BOOM! StudiosMajor Spoilers Podcast #291: Giant Banana Gazonga Razzmatazz →22 Responses to
Imagining all the diffrent ways Matthew will say Poll of the Week. That puts a smile on my face.
ReplyMaking my point and ending with a “Kablammicus!”
ReplyRodrigo’s Northwestern references
ReplyThe inside jokes.
ReplyUnderstanding Matthew’s references
ReplyThe inside jokes and running gags.
ReplyOccasional shirtless pics of Chris Evans?
ReplyMa-jor Spoi-lers Theme Song! Do-do-doo, de-doo, de-doo….
All the music really, James Kennison’s song and the old “Stop talking about comic books or I’ll kill you” one are great too, but that falsetto puts a grin on my face every time I hear it. When I’m not joining in, anyway.
ReplyAnytime you guys bring up D&D it makes me smile.
ReplyWhen Rodrigo says “hello, future people” I can’t help but laugh every time
ReplyHey Nice pic! That dude is one handsome guy! You guys rock and keep up the good work! My wife and I are on the hunt to rebuild the Luke Cage collection!!! Go Luke! Also gonna start looking at this Static Shock Kid!
ReplyI think an easier list would be “When does Major Spoilers NOT make me smile.” I think the top spot goes to when you all passive-aggressively insult each other.
My girlfriend who listens with me says “When Matthew goes into nerd rage it makes me laugh. And then he says something cute about his daughter, and it makes me smile. MOAR BEANWORLD!”
ReplyBut that is how you know we love each other… and in all honesty, most the time it is us just goofing around… Matthew and I have known each other for so long, we know when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em – or in Matthew’s case, pick on Stephen for being bald, or fat, or old, or fill in the blank :)
ReplyWhenever Legends of the Dark Knight is brought up!
ReplyYou know… they never should have canceled that series.
ReplyI loved that response . . .
ReplyThe regular reminders of how awesome iPad’s are… Surprised iPad 2 hasn’t been mentioned yet :)
Reply“IT’S TIME!!!” that part doesn’t get old, and other obscure pro wrestling references
ReplyWhat made me smile in a happy-kind-of-sad-way was when i reheard the “Everyone was naked all the time” episode of CH, and we learn that Torq sleeps on the floor curled up as a kitten….
Soo sad, soo sweed.
The differing and fascinating backgrounds you have all come from, yet here you are expressing your love of various forms of pop culture. From comics and movies, to D&D and pro wrestling, you are not afraid to tell us why you did or did not like these various and sundry works of entertainment. I thank you for your weekly contributions to said pop culture, and hope to hear content for as long as you are able to provide it.
ReplyThe Saturday theme song. It never fails. Also, the quality of the commenters on the site. If I see the same story on another site first, and I have something to say, I save it for Major Spoilers. Cause I know that’s where it’ll matter. (at least a little.)
ReplyThe fact that you all seem to have rockin’ good fun, even when we know, via Rodrigo’s twitter account, that a large part of a recording session had to be redone! :) Moreover, it seems like me and some of my friends goofing around and shooting pop culture references, but actually with pop culture! :)
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Reviews Major Spoilers Podcast #291: Giant Banana Gazonga Razzmatazz

ADVANCE REVIEW: Incorruptible # 16

ADVANCE REVIEW: Who Is Jake Ellis? #3

REVIEW: Speaker for the Dead #3

REVIEW: Hellraiser #1

REVIEW: Justice League of America #55

RETRO REVIEW: Captain America #320 (August 1986)


GAME REVIEW: Homefront

REVIEW: The Mission #2


REVIEW: Knight & Squire #6

Major Spoilers Podcast #289: The Creature Tech Podcast

REVIEW: The Amazing Spider-Man #656

ADVANCE REVIEW: Undying Love #1

Recent PodcastsMajor Spoilers Podcast #291: Giant Banana Gazonga RazzmatazzCritical Hit #91: The HawksbillMajor Spoilers Podcast #290: Never Grow UpCritical Hit: A Dungeons and Dragons Podcast #90: TiamatMajor Spoilers Podcast #288: Fate! (not the doctor)Major Spoilers Podcast #287: The Animal Man PodcastCritical Hit #89: I’m Doing It All For You, MotherMajor Spoilers Podcast #289: Making Movies from ComicsMajor Spoilers Podcast #285: He’s a Giant Chicken!On the Next Major Spoilers Podcast: ElmerCritical Hit #88: The Dragon with Five HeadsMajor Spoilers Podcast #284: Our Favorite ThingsMajor Spoilers Podcast #283: And Now Our Troubles BeginCritical HIt #87: Everybody was naked all the timeMajor Spoilers Podcast #282: The Big RevealMajor Spoilers Poll of the WeekWho could eat the most in one sitting? Jughead Jones

Matter-Eater Lad

Pfft. My money is on Garfield. The cat is so crazy and awesome.View Results
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