What happened to Solstice’s parents? Also, who is Solstice?

You’ve got to give Dynamite Entertainment credit. They’ve been able to nab some popular titles and series in television, film, and print and turn them into comic franchises that should draw new readers to the medium. The company’s latest, The Dresden Files, arrives in stores this week. Does the company continue the success of the previous run, or does it go up in smoke?

Welcome to the corner of comic time and reality... It's a difficult place to hang, especially 80 years down the pike. Tony Stark's origin might have escaped the Summer of Love, but Hank & Don Hall weren't quite so lucky...

Up from the depths, 30 stories high…SKREEEOOOONK!

When Spider-Girl sets a trap for Ana Kravinoff things start out well enough, but what happens when Kravinoff reverses the trap?

The most popular Fable of them all has been holed up in a cave for months... Will Jack finally get back to his smooth ponytailed self? Or is there a different destiny ahead for the greatest of Fables?

What happened to Solstice’s parents? Also, who is Solstice?
Writer: J.T. Krul
Artist: Nicola Scott
Inker: Doug Hazlewood
Colorist: Jason Wright
Letterer: Sal Cipriano
Cover Artist: Scott and Hazlewood with Wright
Editor: Rachel Gluckstern
Publisher: DC Comics
Price: $2.99
Previously in Teen Titans: After a trial run with Damian as the Robin on the team (it was awesome by the way) the team has a Robin in charge again – Red Robin.
TITANS IN PAKISTANThe team is called in about missing persons from Wonder Girl’s friend Solstice (they met in the Wonder Girl one-shot). Her parents, friends of Cassie’s mom, have disappeared. The Titans arrive in Pakistan and start the search (which is about half the book). Eventually they find, someone, and it turns into some sort of troll-demon thing. A bit of a fight ensues where it trounces the Titans one after another then tries to disappear with Cassie’s mom. Cassie grabs a hold and is taken as well, with the others left to wonder how to help.
So, the first half of the book, all of that searching, is mostly spent showing how off the Titans are, again/still/now I really don’t know anymore. Tim is back, which, despite him being my favorite character in the DCU, I find rather disappointing. Damian was such a fun fit for the team and just an enjoyable read. The relationship woes between Raven and Gar are starting to become old and the whole Superboy/Wonder Girl break up still seems weird, but I can at least understand why it is still being dealt with. Kid Flash has also been weird since he came back, acting as a love-sick puppy following whatever pretty face happens to look at him next. Lastly, Raven and the Emo thing, yes it’s a major part of the character, but she has been shown to at least open up and be happy on occasion, a bit more often than not even.
DEMONS AND RUINSNicola Scott is such a fantastic artist. Everything looks good, from the shiny new hero Solstice to the ugliness of the demons. I could honestly look at anything she did all day long.
BOTTOM LINE: I’M NOT SURE ANYMORESo, the while I am really having problems with how some of the characters are being treated and where they are going, the story itself is actually pretty interesting and well done. Also, I would like to see how Solstice works out as the power set is rather cool. Anyhow, while the artwork is still fantastic, I still have to go with only 2 out of 5 stars.

Is anyone else bothered by the sudden reversion to the old Red Robin costume when Tim was wearing the new design in the previous adventure? No? Just me, eh?
I never thought I’d be a continuity snob but things like keeping track of which costume a character is weirdly important to me…
ReplyHe never ACTUALLY got/wore a new costume, it was all inside the unternet.
ReplyHaven’t we been seeing the whole “Titans off their game with a new lineup thing” for about FIVE STRAIGHT YEARS NOW?
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