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Harley’s rampage is almost at it’s end. Now, will she kill him? Find out after the jump.
Writer: Peter Calloway
Artist: Andres Guinaldo
Inker: Lorenzo Rggiero
Colorist: JD Smith
Letterer: Dave Sharpe
Cover Artist: Guillem March
Editor: Mike Marts
Publisher: DC Comics
Price: $2.99
Previously in Gotham City Sirens: Harley Quinn has broken into Arkham Asylum to kill the Joker. She used specific tools to taunt or break specific people and she’s got one left. Meanwhile, Ivy and Selina are poised outside of Arkham waiting to go in and rescue their slightly crazy teammate.
SMARTER THAN SHE ACTSHarley had four semi-mundane (the marbles were explosive and the flower was trick) items. She’s used three of them and the last is a mere rusty nail as the trump card for Aaron Cash, the head of security. Cash confronts Harley outside of Jokers cell, thinking she’s there to free him, though as Harley reveals her true intent he still does the right thing and tells her to surrender. Then Harley reveals the awesomely creepy reason that a rusty nail is Cash’s defeat, Joker gave his firstborn tetanus. For those that don’t know, tetanus will pull the victim’s skin tight, causing them to “grin”. After that huge revelation, Cash gives her the keys and his gun.
Meanwhile, Ivy and Selina are outside, waiting to rescue her. Of course, their views on how to do this are completely different as Ivy wants to barge in guns blazing and Catwoman wants to do her usual sneak thief approach. Before the night is through, Selina finds something else going on and after a verbal tussle with Ivy, leaves.
Anyhow, when Harley finally gets to the Joker, we get a really cool flashback montage of Harley’s memories of the Joker and we see her trump card, her Puddin’.
Ruggiero does a fantastic job here. We do get a lot of close-ups, mostly of Harley’s eyes, though some others do abound, and the details are great. One goes so far as to have the skin around the eyes a bit visible where the face paint wouldn’t normally go. Also, we get another one of those odd panel pages with the nail image having all the panels during the telling of the child’s story.
BOTTOM LINE: WHY DON”T YOU HAVE THIS ALREADY?The end of the story is perfect. After all the build up, specifically with the individualized trumps, it was the only way this arc should end. In fact, everything with Harley is done superbly. The Ivy/Selina parts are a bit lesser, but the whole argument between them did make sense. Either way, this earns a very solid 4 out of 5 stars.

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