Warner Bros. executive Jeff Robinov sat down for an interview with the Los Angeles Times to talk about things going on at the company dealing with superheroes and movies. According to the article, Robinov we can expect to see the Justice League movie hit the big screen in 2013.
If that is indeed true, then you can expect to see rampant speculation and rumors around who lands the key roles in the very near future. IF, and that dear Spoilerites is a big if, the WB follows Marvel Studios, we may already know who will play Superman and Green Lantern, which makes me wonder if Christian Bale will be Batman again…
Probably not, says Robinov.
“We have the third Batman, but then we’ll have to reinvent Batman…Chris Nolan and [producing partner and wife] Emma Thomas will be producing it, so it will be a conversation with them about what the next phase is.”
And what of The Flash and Wonder Woman? According to the story, Warner Bros. can have both a Wonder Woman television series and movie in the works at the same time.
via Hero Complex
This entry was posted in DC, Movies, Warner Bros. and tagged justice league, movie, Warner Bros.. Bookmark the permalink.← WONDERCON’11: BOOM! to offer exclusive hardcoverShannon Wheeler signs three book deal with BOOM! Studios →4 Responses to
So besides the few obvius heros, who would YOU like to se?
-Guy Gardner
-Power Girl (giggle…)
-Red Robin
And as a comic releave
-Booster Gold
Why does this not fill me with confidence as the “Avengers” movie preps have?
They would almost have to go with the “original” roster for character recognition. (Supes, Bats, Diana, Aquaman, Hal Jordan, Barry Allen, Martian Manhunter) with maybe Green Arrow, Hawkman or Atom thrown in. Possibly Black Canary to have two females in sexy costumes.
Replywhy, in the artwork, aren’t Cpt. Marvel, Supergirl nor Red Arrow terribly focussed on what’s being announced?
ReplyWe’ve heard this before. I’ll believe it when I see it.
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