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Max Damage and the Paradigm are finding that it’s easier said than done, when it comes to saving the day. It’d be a heck of a lot easier too if your sidekick didn’t kill one of the super-heroes of the team, Paradigm. What’s a reformed super-villain going to do?
Incorruptible #16
Writer: Mark Waid
Artist: Marcio Takara
Colors: Nolan Woodard
Letters: Ed Dukeshire
Covers: Garry Brown, and Matteo Scalera
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Cover Price: $3.99 USD
Previously, in Incorruptible: Reformed super-villain, Max Damage, has taken a stand in a world where it’s greatest hero, the Plutonian, has betrayed the people he once saved. Max has the ability to become stronger, and tougher, the longer he stays awake. With Alana Patel, the ex-girlfriend of the Plutonian, and his sidekick Headcase, Max attempts to better the world, starting with Coalville. Things don’t go so well when Headcase kills Qubit, a member of the super-hero team called Paradigm.
WATER WATER EVERYWHEREWith a dead body on the ground, and a Headcase, Max’s sidekick pinned to a power pole, things couldn’t get much worse. But of course they do. With the introduction of a Shinto Water Spirit, and a disgusting fornicating mystical couple, Max and the Paradigm have a time on their hands. Even as they attempt to give the people of Coalville clean drinking water, they realize even the simplest act of making the world a better place, can be a nightmare.
The story by Mark Waid is good, it’s inviting, and allowed me to understand that who the characters are, and get the sense of how bad the situation is. Max’s reaction to the messed up situation he is placed in is great, and his interaction with Kaidan, and later on, Alana is good, and very interesting. Max does come across as a powerful character that is in turmoil, doing good things is not the easy way, but he has to do it, it is his calling, but that temptation to fall back on old ways does boil up to the surface.
IT’S ACTION, MANNNNN!I really love the artwork by Marcio Takara, it’s got a sharp charm to it that glues my eyes to the pages. The way he illustrates the action is fascinating, there is a series of panels where Max bursts into a abandoned church, he’s attacked, and returns the assault in spades. The way the characters move isn’t what I’d call hyper realistic, it has it’s own way about it, they pretty simple.
But that simplicity is a strength, the characters are bold, and just hold my attention to such a degree, I didn’t want the artwork to end. The characters, and their backgrounds mesh well, and the scenes in the dank old church, with all the grit, and light creeping in is just cool. Takara’s ability to make the characters flow, is refreshing to say the least, and I want his run on Incorruptible to last a good long while.
BOTTOM LINE: BAD TO GOOD IS GOODThe characterization by Waid of the personalities that populate the universe of Incorruptible is good, the way they resonate off each other is just perfect, and in my opinion much better, and stronger than Incorruptible’s companion book, Irredeemable. The story featured in this issue isn’t really that radical when it comes to story, when compared to most other super-hero stories. But what makes it stand out is the dialogue, and characterization of Waid, something most super-hero comics don’t have.
The artwork is exceptionally strong in this issue, the scenes of destruction, and of dilapidated buildings, are just a cherry’s on top of this issue. Combined with the character depictions, and scenes of bold action, finding something wrong with the artwork was pretty much impossible for me.
Overall this comic is worth a pick up, and the way it ends is very intriguing. No spoilers though, you will have to check it out on your own, but it promises to lead to someplace possibly very fascinating. Incorruptible #16 gets 3.5 Stars, out of 5.

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