The new season of Doctor Who has arrived, and the Doctor, Rory, River Song, and Amy Pond have found themselves in the Utah desert. The episode aired in the U.K. and in the United States at the same time, which means we don’t have to wait two weeks to talk about what was seen, what wasn’t seen, and what clues were scattered throughout.
A strange summons reunites the Doctor, Amy, Rory and River Song in the middle of the Utah desert and unveils a terrible secret the Doctor’s friends must never reveal to him.
Did you see it? We want to know what you thought of The Impossible Astronaut. Was it worth your time? Did it rock your socks to see The Doctor and company in the Southwest, or did it seem like a grab to get more ‘mericans in on the action? And more importantly, are you coming back next week for more Who?
This entry was posted in Doctor Who, Television and tagged Doctor Who, talk back, Television. Bookmark the permalink.← ADVANCE REVIEW: Danger Girl and the Army of Darkness #1SNEAK PEEK: BOOM! Studios for the Week of April 27, 2011 →8 Responses to
Thought it was brilliant.. Had just the right mix of comedy and mystery. And the aliens were really creepy and original.
Can’t believe I have to wait a whole week to see the 2nd part.. bring on next sat!
ReplyFirst I would like to say its great to see Badger getting work, and in Doctor Who all the better.
As for the episode itself, it felt like the first half of a story. By itself it feels like a bunch of random ideas thinly tided together, But knowing we are going to get the Second half next week, and it looks to hold to Moffat convention of the second half having a very different tone than the first half. I’m sure all the pieces will fall together nicely.
I would suggest you don’t watch the preview. Granted if you have seen other trailers for season 6 you have seen most of it already but I was surprised how much of the earlier trailers was in episode 2.
ReplyI loved it. Definately up to my high standards for Who. I think the whole American thing is a grab for viewers, but I like the tone it brings, and if it works at bringing a mainstream American audience, I’m all for it.
ReplySwell episode. I am glad that
The Doctor Has finally come Back to America!
Nice start to the season. I particullarly enjoyed how he aged 200 years in two months time. That bit is great because it opens up the extended fiction such as the books and audio dramas to be Canon.
I have two complaints to get off my chest before I praise it. First, the BBC should have made this a 2-hour event and given us both episodes at once. Starting a season off with half a story is bad form, and were it any other show I would be disappointed. The other is that the casting director should really do a bit more research on the time periods they are casting for. I felt like I lost my suspension of disbelief seeing an African-American in charge of Presidential Security in 1969. It is the details that sell any setting after all, and that is a big one.
All that negative out of the way, I still really enjoyed the episode. There is plenty of mystery that I am eager to see a resolution to. The new aliens remind me a little of the Weeping Angels, but are different enough to seem fresh and equally scary. And the comedic timing was great for breaking up a fairly tense episode.
ReplyOn the whole the episode felt a bit below average for me, particularly for the opening 15-20 minutes I just didn’t engage with the characters the way I usually expect with this show. By the end of the episode I was beginning to get more into the story which begs the question: Why make this a two part episode over 2 weeks? Why not make the season premier 2 hours long? If the object of filming in the US was to get more American viewers that first episode didnt feel strong enough by itself to keep them coming back. However, I have to admit, my reaction to the show may be driven somewhat by the River character. I haven’t liked that character since her first appearance in ‘Silence in the Library’.
On a more somber note I was saddened to see that Elizabeth Sladen (Sarah Jane Smith) died last Friday. She was always one of my favorite Dr. Who companions and her return in ‘School Reunion’ with David Tennant is among my favorites of the new series. She will be missed.
ReplyThe aliens definitely have an ‘Angels’ vibe with the similar mechanic of seen/unseen. Waiting to see just what their deal is.
I love me some River Song, and am afraid her story will wrap up this season. I want to know what’s going on with her, but am also sure that once we know, then her time with the Doctor will be up and she’ll be seen no more. She’s a great character, capable, funny and hotter than donut grease!
ReplyGreat, great episode. Lots of speculation on the boards saying, River is actually Pond’s daughter (possibly granddaughter) and the little girl/astronaut.
River – Pond. River Song. Amy Pond. (almost sounds the same.) Hm.
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