What’s a Cenobite to do? The pleasures of the flesh amount to vapid experiences of pain and pleasure. Victims lack the complexity of thought to truly digest the full scope of atrocity being perpetrated upon them. This carnal exchange leaves Pinhead with only one option; alter the playing field.

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Where there is a ending, somewhere there is a beginning. The spirit of the Fantastic Four ended with the death of Johnny Storm aka The Human Torch, but in the wake of his death, the seeds of the future were sown and the Future Foundation arose.

What’s a Cenobite to do? The pleasures of the flesh amount to vapid experiences of pain and pleasure. Victims lack the complexity of thought to truly digest the full scope of atrocity being perpetrated upon them. This carnal exchange leaves Pinhead with only one option; alter the playing field. Intrigued? Unlock the Lament Configuration box and take the jump…if you dare.

Written By: Clive Barker & Christopher Monfette
Art By: Leonardo Manco
Colors By: Charlie Kirchoff
Lettering By: Travis Lanham
Edited By: Ian Brill
Covers By: Tim Bradstreet, Nick Percival and Clive Barker
Published By: Boom! Studios
Cover Price: $3.99
Previously: Darkness hasn’t been quite so opaque during the past several years. One of Horrors greatest Architects of Terror, Renaissance man Clive Barker has been noticeably absent from the scene. Periodic updates share glimmers of insight into the labyrinthine patchwork of Barker’s planned creative releases. A few examples include wrapping up two sprawling series: the first being the decade-old Abarat and the other is the final installment of the decades-old legacy, The Books of The Art. Barker’s last literary release was 4 years ago, the underwhelming Mister B. Gone. Since then, fans have been clamoring for Clive’s flesh-rending return. The wait is over with Boom! Studios Hellraiser #1.
How Pinhead Got His Groove BackPinhead has grown weary of the sameness of the flesh. There is no edification to be derived from the wholesale slaughter of human beings when people have a limited palate of understanding. How do you truly terrify someone who has no idea of what they’re faced against? Murder, torture, sado-masochism, these acts deserve to be inflicted on those who understand the strata of terror. No longer content to kill indiscriminately, Pinhead decides to take the ultimate gamble in order to put some pep back into his step. He makes a deal with the Devil.
Blessed Be! Barker’s Back!Hellraiser #1 will satisfy Barker fans who have been anxiously awaiting the reemergence of new original Hellraiser stories. Readers will undoubtedly find themselves noticing the cinematic approach to Barker and co-writer Christopher Monfette’s storytelling methods. Artist Leonard Manco provides the reader with stunningly detailed pencils delivered via great cinematography. If only this story had been used as a template for any of the non-Barker directed straight to DVD Hellraiser films. Where Hollywood has failed us, thanks to Boom! Studios, comics continue to deliver.
As an added bonus, Boom! has included a 10-page reprint of a classic Hellraiser story, written by Larry Wachowski, ½ of the famous Wachowski Brothers.
Bottom Line: A Tour De Force For The TwistedAlong with Freddy Kruger and Jason Vorhees, Pinhead is one of the most influential monsters birthed in the last 30 years. Where the sequels have squandered the inherent terror of the Hellraiser franchise, your comics shop is ready to reintroduce you to the revitalized horror contained within these pages. Top quality horror comics are almost as rare as new product offerings from Barker. Combine the excellence of this book along with Barker’s undeniable pedigree, and Hellraiser #1 earns 4.5 out of 5 Stars.

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